Ashley Hammond Photography

Elegant. Cinematic. Bold.
Frequently asked questions
Welcome to the FAQ section! Here you'll find a list of our most frequently asked questions and their answers. If you have a question that isn't on this page, please feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to provide an answer.
Where is Ashley Hammond Photography located?
Ashley Hammond Photography is based out of Shelby, Ohio and is what is known as an on-location photographer. On-location photography brings the photographer into your environment, be it your home, a favorite park or restaurant, an urban setting in your nearest city, a beautiful field or empty stretch of road, or anywhere you would like.
Is there a studio we could visit? Do you have backdrops or props?
At the moment, Ashley Hammond Studios is still just a dream, though we are closer each to seeing that dream become a reality. I sincerely hope that by this summer, the studio will be client-ready. I do, however, have a decent assortment of props that I usually tug along with me to sessions
How can I set up a session?
The first step to setting up your session is to contact me via email and setting up your personal consultation. Consultations are done either at my home office or at a public place near you, where we can discuss prices and packages and also so you can personally see some of our luxury art products. I also offer consultations via Skype for potential clients who live further away.
Is a deposit required upon scheduling?
If sessions are booked two or more weeks in advance, I do ask for a deposit of 50% of the session fee. This deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of cancellation. For events I simply ask that payment be made in full no later than the day of the event.
Where does my session take place?
I ask all my potential clients if they prefer an urban setting or a park setting during the initial consultation. Then I try to find the location best suited for you. I am open to all suggestions with location, so if there is a particular place you would like to shoot at, don't be afraid to run it by me and we'll see if we can't make it happen.
Are you available to travel?
How do you base the cost of sessions?
The basis for the pricing of each session depends not only on the amount of time spent photographing, but the time spent before hand preparing to ensure that each session is unique, the cost of the equipment used, overhead costs such as insurance, advertisement, and bills, and the time spent editing and preparing images for printing.
How long can I wait to order prints?
Ordering prints can be done as early as the final consultation and we request that orders for prints included in the chosen package be made within 30 days of the final consultation. However, the images are stored online in two separate locations and backed up on two hard drives, therefore, your images will be available to you indefinitely for future print orders.
Is the cost of prints and products included in the session fee? Where can I order my prints from?
All sessions include different packaging options that will provide you with an array of prints and products as well as exclusive discounts on products, prints and special offers on product packaging.
Any additional prints or products can be ordered from my online proofing gallery at, the link to which will be sent to you once images are ready to view and order.
How long does it usually take for photos to be ready to view?
Turn around time for a fully edited complete gallery can be expected no more than 90 days after a session and event galleries can be expected no more than 8 to 10 weeks. I offer every customer the chance to have what is called 'Sneak Peeks' at their sessions by either sending the images in a private email or by posting a select few photos on the AHP Facebook, Google+, and Twitter pages, the links to which can be found on the Home page.
When is payment for the session package expected?
I respectfully ask that payments be made in full no later than the day of the session. Payments are now easier with AHP's new PayPal account, though payments may be made the day of the session with either cash or check.
When is the best time to schedule a session?
As a photographer, I am compelled to say that ANY time is the best time to schedule a session. While I prefer that sessions be scheduled at least two weeks in advance to allow time to prepare, I can do my best to work with any sessions needed on the fly. The shortest amount of time I had to prepare for a session was 3 days while the longest is 3 months.
What are your hours?
Currently my hours of operation begin at 7 am and end at 9 pm. I am currently working completely independently and have found myself in several situations where I just cannot answer my phone. Since your interest in AHP is of extreme importance to me, I ask that all inquiries be made via email at this time. This will ensure a quick response from me, and we can then go over number exchange and/or set up the initial consult.
Where can I find a list of your prices?
Prices are discussed at the initial consultation. A complete price list link can be sent to you via email, or if the consultation is booked in person, you will be given your own personal brochure and folio containing all the information on AHP's sessions, packages, prices, and specials.
Can I bring my own items as props for a session?
Absolutely! I will be more than happy to work with you on implementing your own props into your session.
Do you offer any kind of discounts? What about TFP?
Absolutely! I offer a wide range of discounts that will be discussed in further detail at our initial consultation. Included in these are discounts for the brave men and women that serve our country (all branches of military are included, as well as police and fire fighters), and I try to give back to the community several times a year by offering free sessions. Please contact me if you feel that you or someone you know may qualify for one of these and I will be more than happy to see what I can do to help. Check the site's project's page frequently to see if I am volunteering my time at any local charities as well.
As for TFP (TFP = Time For Prints) I am completely open to helping aspiring models by offering TFP photography to those who qualify, meaning that I will not charge the model for the session and they will receive their images in exchange for their time. Please send me an email with your modeling history and a photograph of yourself (CLEAN photographs ONLY- I will reject all explicit material). If a modeling history is not available, please send a detailed
email telling me about yourself and your aspirations in the modeling world.
I love conceptual art photography and I am frequently looking for models willing to let me photograph them. Visit the site's projects page to see if there is anything open you might be interested in modeling for. These projects run as TFP sessions, again, meaning that I will not charge for the session and the model(s) will receive the images in exchange for their time.
What type of editing do you perform on photos?
I offer my clients unique, one of a kind photography which includes the utilization of artistic editing on most of my images. However, I am sensitive to the preferences of each client and, therefore, I offer my clients editing options, which give them the opportunity to decide if they would like crisp, clean, natural looking edits, or creative, colorful edits, or a combination of both during their consultation.
Do I have to sign a contract?
Yes. I present all clients with release contracts at the time of booking.
Have a question or comment? Feel free to leave yours in the comment section below and I'll get back to you A.S.A.P.!