Ashley Hammond Photography

Elegant. Cinematic. Bold.
Asya's Winter Glamor Session Jan. 26, 2013

On a snowy Saturday in January, my little sister, my best friend and myself spent a chilly half an hour out in the field behind my house. My baby sister has always wanted her hair and make up done for one of our sessions (if you haven't noticed already, she's my little model - anytime I want or need to do photos, she is happy to jump in front of the camera) and my best friend, Jasmine, was kind enough to come over and doll her up. She's only 10, my sister, and she's never had anything more than some light shadow on her eyes, so you can imagine how excited she was to have her hair and full make up done. I hope it was worth what came next...
Once we got to the shoot location in the field, I had her remove her jacket and put on a shawl that I had brought. For thirty minutes, she let me photograph her, though I know she had to be freezing. We kept an eye on her and had her put on her jacket in between positions, but I can't thank her enough for tolerating the cold and keeping a smile on her face.